Sunday, November 12, 2006

pin cushion

This was going to be my post on friday, but I thought it was more important for me to post about our church. It is such a huge part of our lives. I'll keep you guys up to date as things move forward with that.

This was a project I had been meaning to finish for awhile, but it got stacked with the rest of my good intentions for a few weeks! I found the easiest tutorial here.

This is my general workspace, much to my dear husband's pleasure, in the dining room. This room flows from one of my favorite rooms to the kitchen rather well and seems to be a buzz of activity all of the time.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely room it looks like you have a really reliable sewing machine there too,the little cushion is so very pretty.
I really hope your church recovers soon.

beki said...

I love making pin cushions. They're such a simple, quick, satisfying project to get into.

Anonymous said...

great little pincushion- pretty and practical, too!

Tracy said...

I saw on the morning news today more reports about St. David's. I'm pleased that the police are putting so much effort into searching for the guilty party. Have fun sewing! - its so great to have a hobby you enjoy. :)
