Monday, October 30, 2006

the day before

What a difference a day makes. 75 degrees today in Topeka. But is the midwest...oh yes, it will be 45 degrees and windy tomorrow! What a great Halloween! I have a sick little red head home from school today. Hopefully she will be fine for all of the festivities tomorrow! Is it bad that I have no plans yet for what I'm making the kiddos for school? I'm thinking orange rice krispie treats for Parker and iced sugar cookis for the girls. Dunno yet. I'm sure whatever I end up with will be on the blog later! Wish me luck! I need to take the boy outside so we can enjoy this last little bit of indian summer!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hey, guess what I'm making?! I found the idea on the "Family Fun" magazine website. Eyeball cookies. ha! :) So easy - vanilla wafers topped with white frosting - lifesavers for the iris of the eyes - chocolate chips for pupils - red frosting for the bloodshot look. We'll see how it goes. :) I think it'll be fun to do.