This was the extent of Hurricane Rita in Dallas. We had alot of clouds and alot of wind. Otherwise she went by largely un noticed. You all will have to forgive the three blogs, I'm experimenting with a new way to post the pics. The kids came out fine...even though I have 25 loads of laundry to do! I may have missed them far more than they missed me!
Monday, September 26, 2005
What an amazing weekend. I had the opportuity to attend the Mothers of Preschoolers convention in Dallas. 5000 mothers in the same room is pretty amazing the picture above is of a group called Go Fish. They are a group out of Minneapolis that sing kids music "that doesn't drive the parents bonkers". They were awesome!
Posted by Heidijayhawk at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Posted by Heidijayhawk at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Here's another blast from the past. The last time we all vacationed together was August of 2000. I love these pictures and I loved that trip. Ben and Kerry and I don't spend anywhere near as much time together as we would like. So much has changed since this trip. Ben and Janielle were engaged on this trip. Clark and Kerry would marry a year and half later. Parker would join our family as would David. Grandpa Jim would leave our family to be with our Creator. Grandma would sell the house where so many of our childhood memories took place. So many things have remained the same. We are a family that is close. We love each other and share a love for the church and Christ. Ben still plays his guitar at family events. Kerry still antaginizes my kids for fun (became more fun with Parker...better reaction). And I still love just seeing us together. I have been so blest with my family. Not everyone can count their siblings among their best friends. Thanks guys!
Posted by Heidijayhawk at 2:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I decided this week my project would be scanning pictures of the kids as babies into .jpg files. It's taking a little longer than I thought. I have most of Abby's first year done. It just serves to remind me how grown up she is. She will be 9 in Jnauary. Where did the time go? It is amazing what changes we have gone through in the past nine years. Our family has expanded, my siblings have married and startd families of their own, and I have gotten to know these special people God has given to me as children. There is nothing like knowing someone since the very instant they entered the world
. What amazing people they are (little people)! My goal is to get all three kids, our wedding, and pictures of Will and I as children in digital form. Ambitious goal...may take awhile. I like the idea of being able to access my family history from a CD. It somehow seems safer to me. Hope you all enjoy the blast from the past!
Posted by Heidijayhawk at 3:28 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Talk about a busy week! The first part of the week was dedicated to the evacuees we thought were coming to Kansas. Come to find out, we were not getting any of our neighbors to the south. The compassion and dedication I saw in Topeka this week was stunning. It is amazing to see a community come together like that. The Red Cross is truly an amazing agency that I was honored to work with this week. Another upbeat part of the week was attending a meeting for the religious community of Topeka. More than 200 people were there...Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics, and the Jewish community. What an amazing site. Dad spoke at the meeting, and boy was I proud of him! He was terrific!
Will and I attended the 50th Anneversary Party for Liz and Junior Utech on Saturday night. What an amazing couple. 50 years is a real monument to their commitment and love. We also got the priviledge of spending time with Mike and Alejandro (I know I didn't spell that right) from Seattle! What a special and fun weekend we had. Spending time with friends and family is my favorite kind of weekend.
Posted by Heidijayhawk at 8:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
We have had a busy week already! My brother Ben (left, with Kerry and the girls in Lindsborg) and his family have now created their own blog as well! The family that blogs together...well, at least we all stay close! I will be volunteering tomorrow for the Red Cross here in Topeka. We will be receiving 1800 refugees at the Expocenter. We will have to give them a good welcome to Kansas! I hope all is well with the rest of you! God's Peace!
Posted by Heidijayhawk at 12:03 PM 0 comments